Call Us Today (407) 402-6454
Full Board packages start at - $1,000/month
Top quality grain 2 -3 times/day
Choice of Timothy/ Alfalfa hay, Alfalfa Hay, Coastal hay 3/day
Stall cleaned 2/daily
Day or night turn out
Laundry services for pads and wraps.
Blanketing, booting if needed, applying fly spray and fly mask, holding for vet and Farrier for no extra charge.
Claudia Heath Farm is located on 12 acres just across the street from the Wekiva State Park. Our barn consists of 12ft x 12ft stalls equipped with rubber mats, automatic waters, and fans to ensure premium comfort for our horses. Because of our location not only does our property have a lot of trees allowing for relief from the sun but allows us to have large spacious and shaded turnout paddocks and quick easy access to many trails. We have a large 210ft by 120ft fenced in riding arena equipped with a full jumping course, lights for evening rides, GGT footing, and is irrigated and dragged daily. Our footing is updated and equipped to hold up in all weather conditions for seasonal riding. In addition to our riding arena, we have a 60ft wide round pen, also equipped with lights and irrigation.
Shaded paddocks
Training/consignment Board - Call for pricing
This package is designed for horses that are ready to be sold. Not for participating riders.
Includes grooming and 4 training sessions per week, 16 per month.
A commission will be charged on the sale of the horse.
Large Jumping arena
12 x 12 Stall Barn
Training/ Grooming/ Lesson Package
Designed for young and mature horses in training to learn new skills or to be tuned up. Recommended for the show rider.
It includes 5 training sessions per week. 20 sessions per month.
3 sessions may be exchanged for one hour group lessons per week.
5 grooming days per week.
**All Package prices are subjected to change**
Call or text for pricing (407) 402-6454
Training/ lesson Package
Designed for the active show rider.
4 training rides per week or
You may exchange 2 rides for 2 group lessons
16 sessions per month